Q: Have you found “normal”?
Many survivors report that they feel different to pre-SCA and struggle to get back to their “normal”, some find a new “normal” and adjust to that, what about you?
Responses with name, age at SCA and time since
Pat, 51, 15 months
Somedays I feel normal. Others I dont.
Lisa, 35, 4 months
Apart from walking I am fine
Maureen, 68, 7 years
New normal
Stewart, 53, 3 years
Life will never be normal again
Joanne, 48, 23 months
It as took me nearly 7 years to get back to some semblance of normal I have to take things at a slower pace and realise my limitations.
Lisa, 40, 7 years
We now have a new normal and it took a while to get my head around that
Michelle, 50, 1 year
Lost my personality
Anon, 70, 10 months
Normal? Pink Floyd summed it up ‘There’s someone in my head and its not me’. The old me is gone.
Brenden, 56, 4 years
Anon, 36, 11 years
Not yet accepted the ‘new’ as normal.
Mark, 56, 14 months
No I don’t think there will ever be a ‘normal’
Ben, 32, 1 year 2 months
I have a new normal
Graeme, 36, 10 years
I feel pretty normal, but until I get genetic screening results, things could always change as I may or may not get a diagnosis.
Clare, 31, Almost 5 months.
i feel normal
Lynne, 47, 21 months
Definitely us a new normal but you have to think you are alive and make the most of it
Anon, 56, 15 months
My new normal is no different to my old normal. I was able to take it all in my stride with the support of my family and friends.
Mark, 46, 23 years
New normal
Tracy, 50, 3 years
Will never be the same
Michelle, 43, 5 years
Feel different to before but in a positive way, i am happy with life and as i am
Julie, 31, 8 years
Have learnt to adapt with life 90% of the time
Lee, 37, 5 1/2 years
Don’t know yet. Too early to tell.
Joe, 52, 4 weeks
I can’t reverse what has happened. I can, and have, accepted where I am now and who I am now.
Andy, 51, 5 years
I am still not back to ‘normal’
Carly, 34, 1 month
It took a good 6 months and a further year for it not to be at the forefront of my mind. Now it’s just something that happened
Natasha, 25, 4.5 years
i felt different but in a good way. I’ve always looked as what happened to me as a positive and it’s made me a much better person.
Imogen, 21, 2 years
I actually found it easy to adjust. It was off to I’ve an ICD bit I didn’t struggle wth it. I was mpre forcused on recovery. You have to think of it as your new normal.
Amy, 17, 14 years
I was lucky got back to normal very quick.
Sue, 51, 8 months
I did notice differences over a monthly period as the were so gradual. I would be able to say I couldn’t do this a month ago. I havent done that in some time so I guess the changes have stopped around at 12 months. But I do notice that its not getting better now but things seem to be getting worse. Eg my arthritis pains are back, I have my first cold since SCA
Robyn, 57, 18 months
I think I’ve found a new normal
Dawn, 48, 3 years
Kym, 40, 3 years
Certainly a ‘new’ normal. I will never be the person before, and to be honest, not sure I want to be. The ‘before’ me was a worrier, a little OCD, world on their sholuder’s type, had a stressful job, and somewhat annoying circle of friends. Since, the ‘new’ me, is so much more relaxed, I rarely plan things and just go with the flow, I work for myself and I purposely distance myself from negative people/friends. I keep calm as possible in challenging situations and look at the small things with different eyes, sunrise, sunset, birds singing, smell of rain, laughter….soppy I know, but these end up being so important and get missed so easily. I think the only possible negative things (if it is negative) is I have zero tolerance for other people’s minor ailments. I have never been a sick note kind of person, but now if I hear someone complain seriously about a cold or a headache which they feel they should attend A&E (drama queens) I can be very annoyed and feel disrespected. I guess it may be my own problem, not theirs.
Judy, 39, 3 years