Q: What does it feel like to be a survivor?
Responses with name, age at SCA and time since
Relief and guilt
Tracy, 50, 3 years
Clare, 31, Almost 5 months.
I feel lucky to have been given a second chance
Dawn, 48, 3 years
Very lucky and thankful and a desire to do everything there is to do and value life, family and friends
Julie, 31, 8 years
Both lucky and unlucky, healthy and unhealthy…but finally, glad
Andy, 51, 5 years
Extremely thankful, can’t put into words
Carly, 34, 1 month
Proud, happy, scared, worried
Pat, 51, 15 months
Strange. Mine happened at home approx 6am. Every day I wake up is a blessing Always a worry. Most friends have given me a wide birth since my SCA
Joanne, 48, 23 months
Bit surreal really. I was lucky i was on an operating table when i had my event. Dont know anything about it, just that they took 30 seconds to get me back.
Anon, 56, 15 months
Very lucky
Michelle, 43, 5 years
I feel lucky to have survived but still anxious as it’s early days!
Joe, 52, 4 weeks
Lucky , and fortunate for being given a second chance. Sometimes sad for the life changed , sometimes anxious .
Michelle, 50, 1 year
I’m so happy to be here!! I love life x
Sue, 51, 8 months
Surreal. But I feel more vunreable.
Lisa, 35, 4 months
I don’t class myself as a survivor. I was extremely lucky. My own GP was driving to work and saw me collapse on the pavement. He stopped his car and started CPR.
Amy, 17, 14 years
I am eternally grateful for my 2nd chance at life. I would never have seen 2 of my children get married nor the birth of my 3 grandchidren. My wife and I have recently celebrated our 45th wedding anniversary, as well. Impossible to put a value on all that, is it not?
Mark, 46, 23 years
Very lucky to be where I was at the time of my SCA. Still can’t believe I’m still here and survived it.
Lee, 37, 5 1/2 years
Lynne, 47, 21 months
Indifferent at best.
Anon, 36, 11 years
Lucky to be alive unlucky that it happened at all.
Graeme, 36, 10 years
Extremely lucky!
Natasha, 25, 4.5 years
It’s a lot to take in but as time goes by, it’s a lot easier to deal with and I find myself to be very lucky.
Imogen, 21, 2 years
I know how lucky I am that I was in the right place at the right time and it wasnt my time. Sometimes I cant believe it really happened but I know it did as I have an ICD, I know I feel different physically and mentally. When I cant do something I could do in the past eg. multi task remembering etc. I think is it normal eg. aging or SCA.
Robyn, 57, 18 months
Mixed feelings. Obviously feel very fortunate and blessed but also guilty.
Mark, 56, 14 months
I am more relaxed
Pat, 51, 15 months
Angry at times but lucky
Anon, 70, 10 months
Living from day to day!
Brenden, 56, 4 years
My lifestyle has slowed down immensely.
Lisa, 40, 7 years
Truly amazing…. better odds to win the lottery, forever in debt to my wife lifesaver
Ben, 32, 1 year 2 months
Bewildering…eternally grateful!
Michelle, 42, 4 years
Very lucky
Anon, 70, 10 months
Guilty because I survived and so many friends haven’t
Lisa, 40, 7 years
Strange, I feel different to everyone else in some way
Judy, 39, 3 years
Extremely fortunate but life changing event
Kym, 40, 3 years
Maureen, 68, 7 years
Lucky and grateful
Stewart, 53, 3 years