Can I go bicycling?

Yes, you can ride a bike with an ICD. However, if using a stationary exercise bike, keep the wheel magnet at least 6 inches away from your heart device. Also, be sure to check with your doctor in case there are any medical concerns.

If I am in a swimming pool when I receive a shock, will others get shocked?

They may feel something if you are touching them when you receive a shock, just as they might if you were touching out of the water. They will not be affected differently because you are in a pool.

Category: Implantable Devices

Can I continue to bench-press?

Remember to discuss exercise with your doctor and follow any recommendations based on your health needs.

Does an abdominal implant prohibit contact sports, such as football?

Some physical activities may be restricted depending on your medical condition or concerns about physical stress on your ICD. Consult with your doctor about activities to avoid, if any.

Category: Implantable Devices

Can my ICD be “dented” if it’s accidentally hit with an object?

While ICD components are protected in titanium cases, you should still avoid activities that may involve hard physical contact.

Category: Implantable Devices

While scuba diving, how many feet down can I go with my ICD?

Pressure ratings can vary among ICD models. Typical diving depths can range from 50 to 100 feet. Always check with your doctor about scuba diving restrictions.

Category: Implantable Devices

Can I go skiing?

Skiing will not interfere with your device, but do speak with your doctor before you start schussing. While many patients go back to their favorite activities-after a full recovery, of course-there are activities that cause concern.

How deep can I scuba dive?

Exposure to pressures greater than 4 ATA is not recommended. That means diving no deeper than about 100 feet or 30 meters in seawater. Talk to your doctor about that and about any other concerns with scuba diving and your heart condition.

Category: Treatment

Can I box?

Boxing shouldn’t interfere with your ICD, although a blow to the device area could possibly dislodge one of the leads. (Just don’t fight anyone good.)

Category: Implantable Devices

Can I go to the gym?

Yes. Remember to discuss exercise with your doctor, and follow their guidelines based on your own health needs. It’s always best to ease back into a fitness routine. Walk before you jog, jog before you run, etc…

Can I exercise?

Yes. Exercise is the best kind of work out. An ICD isn’t implanted to limit you – it’s to save your life.

Can I skydive?

First of all, congratulations on your bravery.

Can I go swimming?

Definitely. An ICD isn’t an anchor, literally or metaphorically. Just remember that you may feel restricted when extending your arm for a few weeks after surgery. It is still a good idea to swim with a partner, if needed.

Can I play football?

Hut-hut-hike yourself to your heart’s content. Football probably won’t interfere with your ICD, and most people resume physical activities after recovering from surgery. The potential for tough contact is a concern to talk with your doctor about but can likely be avoided with your sweet moves!

Is it safe to swim in a pool?

There are no restrictions for swimming in pools with your device and they are safe as long as there is no electrical current leakage into the water.

Can I play golf?


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