Acquired Brain Injury?
Poor memory?
Short attention span?
Lack of focus?
If you’ve had a sudden cardiac arrest and have any of the above then it’s quite likely you are experiencing the sequelae of an acquired brain injury due to hypoxia.
The level of these problems can depend on the length of hypoxia, but it doesn’t always correlate. Â Cardiologists have reported patients with little brain impairments after long down times and similarly, patients who never wake up after a relatively short down time. Â There are obviously many factors at play when getting someone back from a cardiac arrest and unfortunately there are many survivors experiencing the after affects of this.
Training the brain
I guess any educational activity could be considered as “brain training”, but speaking in recent terms we could probably say that Nintendo introduced us to this concept in the form of games or applications specifically designed to do this, notably in the form of Dr Kawashima’s Brain Training games on the DS and Wii.
The vendors of these app’s often make claims about how they can enhance
The jury is out on whether brain training types games actually improve your brain, but combined with a good diet and exercise they may be worth considering just to keep the grey matter ticking over.
The Contenders
A number of members of the group have reported using some of the leading app’s such a Luminosity and Peak, and although they’re not guaranteed to improve your brain they can certainly help in sharpening up certain aspects of it.  Along with the afore mentioned app’s below is a list of the app’s, website and even gadgets that we’ve found that claim to help in this area.