Ted Guloien

Canadian, Athlete and SCA Survivor

yellow background and white round pills

Statins: The Whipping Boys of Cardiac Drug Therapy

I’m approaching year 8 of breakfasting on atorvastatin. When my GP first explained to me that I’d be taking the medication for the rest of my life, after being diagnosed with cardiac ischemia and atherosclerosis (coronary artery disease), I protested. I bargained with him: “What if I change my diet?” “What if I go vegan?” ...

We Can Be Heroes

What is it about surviving a sudden cardiac arrest that makes us feel special? I felt pretty special after those early confusing weeks passed. On the compost heap of feelings and emotions, I was experiencing at the time, this was the most puzzling. It wasn’t as if surviving the arrest was like swimming to shore ...

Leaving your rubber boots behind

I took up doing Sudoku puzzles after my sudden cardiac arrest. With too much time on my hands, yet constrained by an inability to maintain focus any longer than it takes to brush a tooth, it seemed a better option than the frustration involved in trying to read a book. I was wrong. You’ve probably ...

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