Stuart Menzies

I joined SCA UK in 2016, shortly after my wife suffered an out-of-hospital Sudden Cardiac arrest while we were shopping. Luckily, I was able to step in as I knew CPR. She was diagnosed as idiopathic and has an ICD, and she has since made a good recovery. The support we have both received through SCA UK is immeasurable and encouraged me to participate more and more with the group, whereby I eventually was invited to be a moderator of the group. In 2021 I retired from Police Scotland, where I had served for 30 years, and I am now Resilience Coordinator with a local authority in Scotland. I hope the skills I have developed through my working career and the experience of being a lifesaver and husband to a cardiac arrest survivor will allow me to give something back to SCA UK as a Trustee.

Surviving Together : We had a meet up!

Regional meet ups provide a whole multitude of benefits to our members and is something we are striving to establish more off and also develop a clear process and structure. Susan and I have attended a number of meet ups over the years I have been involved in Sudden Cardiac Arrest UK and it is ...

DVLA FORM D1 – Temporary changes advice

A recent question was asked online regarding the correct procedure for gaining access to FORM D1 from the DVLA.  This is a key form which is required to be completed when re-applying for your Driver licence  (for a motorcycle or car) if you have voluntarily surrendered your licence e.g. post-cardiac arrest ICD implantation A check ...

Let’s Meet!

If you’re a member of our Facebook group (Ed: If you’re not, you should be! You’re missing out on a lot of great stuff that can help in your recovery) you may have seen a lot of talk recently surrounding the topic of meetups. Meetups of survivors, families, lifesavers have been happening for a while ...

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