Q: What would you say to expect after an SCA?
Responses with name, age at SCA and time since
Flash backs
Anon, 70, 10 months
Don’t dwell just think your very lucky to be here
Michelle, 43, 5 years
Life will be very different. However, everyone’s experience is difference so take in as much advise as possible and just keep smiling.
Imogen, 21, 2 years
Change, but not major
Graeme, 36, 10 years
Listen to your body and take it slowly . There is a good life after , bit it takes time . Ask for help if you need it . Enjoy your life , you have been given another chance
Michelle, 50, 1 year
Take every day at a time and don’t look back, the next chapter in life’s story.
Ben, 32, 1 year 2 months
Try to not be frustrated with yourself. You’re different.
Lisa, 35, 4 months
That life wont be the same, look after yourself, give yourself time.
Anon, 56, 15 months
I get it.
Andy, 51, 5 years
Life can be better
Stewart, 53, 3 years
I don’t feel I can answer this! It must be very different for everyone depending on cause, down time, the hospital they are in and the circumstances they return to (e.g. As a single parent, you have to get on as normal as much as you can).
Clare, 31, Almost 5 months.
We are all different
We are all different and at different stages of life with different abilities. You do what you think is right for you.
Robyn, 57, 18 months
Worry, tiredness, stress
Pat, 51, 15 months
it takes time to adjust but take it at your own pace and listen to advice off medical staff and don’t listen to negative comments
Lynne, 47, 21 months
Difficult question. Everyone is different. I suppose I would advise him/her to ask the cardiac team about EVERYTHING. They are the ones who know all the pathology. Also, ensure all relevant family and close friends know what has happened.
Mark, 46, 23 years
Expect it to take a little longer than you expect to get back to normal as you are dealing with the physical, emotional and mental trauma of the episode! Be kind to yourself!
Natasha, 25, 4.5 years
Expect a mixture of emotions and feelings, from feeling thankful to be alive to feeling so down and tearful, also lots of tiredness. I am still in the early stages So I can’t say too much more yet as only been out of hospital for a week
Carly, 34, 1 month
Focus on what you have rather than what you haven’t and be patient and positive, it gets better!
Michelle, 42, 4 years
That you are lucky to if survived.
Lee, 37, 5 1/2 years
The unexpected, your life will fatally change, depending on the level of damage and the success of the repair!
Brenden, 56, 4 years
It takes time and you think differently but I have coped well
Maureen, 68, 7 years
Take each day as it comes
Joanne, 48, 23 months
Realistically, expect to feel very confused, asking ‘why’ a lot, it’s hard to come to terms with why it happened to you and then why you are still here – what’s your purpose! Take everything so slow. Don’t rush back to being you again. You will need the time to think things through and process it the best you can. Don’t be afraid to get angry, it’s all part of the recovery. Be a little selfish sometimes, remember, you were the one that actually went through it, no one else understands it like you do. And most important, enjoy things, try to look on the good side, and if possible, walk away from the negative…..life is too short! You understand that like no other!
Judy, 39, 3 years
Shit! Life is difficult and support network/after care was non existent for me, thankfully for others, I think things may have improved in recent years.
Anon, 36, 11 years
That’s the answers I’m looking for but I’m worried about finding out!
Joe, 52, 4 weeks
Don’t expect too much too soon.
Kym, 40, 3 years
It takes time but you will get there, even if getting there is not where you were before. Mourn the person you were but embrace the new person you have become. Listen to your own body usually that knows more than the Doctors/Consultants, if you are tired sleep and remember no two SCA survivors are the same don’t think you should be like anyone else
Lisa, 40, 7 years