What happens when they shut one of the three leads off? Does the device still work?

ICDs connect to different chambers of the heart with 1 to 3 leads. The device and each lead are programmed individually based on your needs. Talk to your doctor if a lead needs to be turned off and how that may impact ICD therapy.

Category: Implantable Devices

What is a lead perforation?

Lead perforation is a potential complication occurring rarely in heart device implant procedures. It occurs when a lead pokes through the heart wall instead of embedding into the heart wall muscle.

Category: Implantable Devices

How are the leads attached to my heart?

When your heart device is implanted, your doctor threads one end of the lead through a vein into your heart, attaching the lead tip to the heart wall. Your doctor then connects the other end of the lead to your heart device.

Category: Implantable Devices

Are any of my leads recalled?

It is unlikely that you will receive recalled leads. But check with the lead manufacturer or your doctor if you have concerns.

Category: Implantable Devices

How many leads will I have with my ICD?

ICDs connect to the different chambers of your heart using 1 to 3 leads. Your doctor will determine the number of leads implanted based on your individual needs.

Category: Implantable Devices

Are there guarantees that the ICD leads will not break or fail?

Leads are placed in the hostile environment of the human body, making it hard to predict longevity. Your doctor will regularly monitor your device and lead function for any signs of malfunction.

Category: Implantable Devices

Will I need new leads?

You will probably not need new leads. However, your doctor will test your existing leads before, during and after your surgery. If tests indicate that it’s time for new leads, they will be replaced along with your ICD.

Category: Implantable Devices

What about the leads? Are they replaced too?

Typically, the leads are reused with the new heart device. If the existing leads cannot be reused, they will stay in the body and new leads will be implanted. In certain situations, the doctor may recommend a lead be removed and replaced with a new lead.  The lead removal procedure is usually performed by a doctor who specializes in lead extractions.

Category: Implantable Devices
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